Tuesday 1 May 2018

Hloch's Aim

Hloch's aim in writing The Earth Book Of Stormgate is to present an account of human events that led to the founding of the Stormgate Choth on Avalon. Such events include:

the colonization of Avalon;
the career of the Founder, David Falkayn;
the career of Falkayn's mentor, Nicholas van Rijn;
the activities of the Polesotechnic League;
life on Earth when the League was in its glory;
the discovery of Ythri;
the exploration of Avalon.

This rationale explains most of the works included in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I. Another relevant sequence of events, early human space travel, is covered in "The Saturn Game" which is the opening installment of Vol I although it was not in the Earth Book.

We see Poul Anderson's Technic History as a future history of mankind whereas Hloch sees the early History first as past and secondly, but more importantly, in terms of its contribution to the founding of his choth. We welcome this alien perspective.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And "The Saturn Game" is the only Technic (or pre-Technic?) in which we find a DATE. I can see why Poul Anderson preferred not to use dates, but their lack makes it difficult to work out an accurate Chronology of the Technic Civilization series.
