Monday 14 May 2018

More On Memory

When writing the previous post, I meant to mention memory in Poul Anderson's works but now find that there is much about memory on the blog. See here.

Immortals must edit their memories;

in "Memory," an amnesiac recovers his memories;

in the Time Patrol universe, a time traveler can remember events that did not happen, at least not in the current timeline;

Time Patrollers can be electrocrammed, e.g.,  with languages but do any of Poul Anderson's characters experience the inputting of another person's memories as happens in works by James Blish, Larry Niven and no doubt others? (If I lose my memories and gain yours, then I think that I am you.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Torrek/Wanen VOLUNTEERED to be memory blanked so he could "scout out" the planet the Hegemony ship had discovered. With a view to making it easier to be conquered by the Hegemony. As we know, it did not exactly turn out like that.
