Tuesday 22 May 2018

Solid Anachronisms And Abstract Space-Time

Searching the blog for previous descriptions of concrete historical settings (see here), we learn that:

Everard finds Shalten's place anachronistic;

he meets Wanda in the anachronistic opulence of the St Francis Hotel lobby;

there is a Patrol base in a secret vault under Hammurabi's Babylon;

a certain Left Bank hotel is a dilapidated anachronism -

- but also:

reality may be a mathematical shadow show;

it is a spectral flickering, like diffraction creating rainbow rings, like a wave pattern on a sea;

space-time is abstract and unstable.

Quantum randomness underlies the historical solidities, even "...the great globe itself..." (Time Patrol, p. 480)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As I've said elsewhere, the idea of time being so MUTABLE is alarming!
