Tuesday 29 May 2018

Investigating The Secrets

In many works of fantasy and sf, powerful beings move among us, disguised as ordinary human beings. They may be:

time travelers;
a secret world government;
something else?

SM Stirling's Shadowspawn are the source of legends about vampires and Hell. It seems that they are wealthy and powerful enough to do as they please. In fact, they frequently kill at will without any repercussions for themselves. But what will result when a team of detectives investigates an incident and interviews witnesses who provide descriptions of individual Shadowspawn? Will the detectives be neutralized or will the secrets of this world's clandestine rulers begin to unravel? I don't know. I am just beginning to read The Council Of Shadows.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Have fun with Stirling's THE COUNCIL OF SHADOWS! I should not say too much till you have read more of the book, for fear of spoilers.

But, I think the first volume, A TAINT IN THE BLOOD, does show us a major reason for the power held by the Shadowspawn: think of how dependent they are on their renfields. Given money and the influence gained from being placed in the right offices of government, the renfields can deflect investigations leading to the Shadowspawn.
