Sunday 27 May 2018

Commenting And Communicating

I mentioned this in the combox but maybe I should also post about it. Because of new European Union Data Protection legislation, I have at least temporarily ceased to receive email/gmail notifications of blog comments.


I have to scroll down the blog to look for new comments on recent posts;
I might miss some;
I will definitely miss any recent comments on old posts.

A couple of times, I have been asked to add links, e.g., see:

the Addendum to Bygds, Umiaks, Kayaks And An Angakok;
Van Gogh.

I am happy to respond to such requests. If I do not respond to a combox comment, it will only be because I have missed it. I can be emailed at

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thanks! I did notice the disappearance of combox notifications, so I've been taking to check two or three pages of blog posts looking for new comments.
