Saturday, 12 May 2018

19352 A.D.: Observations II

See 19352 A.D.: Observations.

Although the commercial and genetic rivalry between giant combines is described as "tooth-and-claw," I feel that the text of "Time Patrol" expects or invites us to admire the dynamism of this "turbulent age." It reads like the later phase of the Polesotechnic League, only more so. League merchants would have wanted to develop faster hyperdrive oscillators. If instantaneous travel, and therefore also time travel, had been possible in the Technic History timeline, then they would have been discovered. However, we are informed elsewhere that scientific laws differ between universes.

There are universes where:

magic works and supernatural beings exist;
only slower than light interstellar travel is possible;
time travel is impossible;
time travel is possible but only within closed loops in a single timeline;
there is access to other universes within a multiverse.

These diverse arrangements might coexist in different parts of the 4N-dimensional framework of the Time Patrol scenario.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think it is logical to believe that God and the angels, good and evil, being supernatural, cannot be "excluded" from any universe.
