Sunday, 1 October 2017

Two Paragraphs

A google glitch has deleted "Two Paragraphs," 30 Sept 2017, and transferred its comments to GENESIS: Environments III here.

The first of the "two paragraphs" discussed was:

"Evening light streamed low, nearly level. It seemed to fill grass and leaves with gold. A flight of nestbound rooks passed across the sky. Their calls drifted faintly down to her. A breeze cooled the air like a whisper from oncoming night."
-Poul Anderson, Genesis (New York, 2001), Part One, V, 3, p. 52.

These five sentences address three senses: golden light; bird calls; cool breeze.

I quoted the second paragraph because I had found its concluding sentence difficult:

"'I cannot as I am understanding it well enough to know, or to provide that guidance.'" (ibid., p. 55)

However, by comparing texts, Sean and I established that my copy has a misprint: "...understanding..." should read "...understand..." See Comments from the above link.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

This discussion of a misprint in your copy of GENESIS is probably a good example of how the science or art of textual criticism works.
