Tuesday 31 October 2017

Sainte Chapelle

In the combox here, Sean compares the Cathedral of Domkirk on the planet Freehold to the Sainte Chapelle of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Always willing to blend life and art, I googled the Sainte Chapelle and found the above image. We may imagine that the Freeholders were inspired by Notre Dame and other Terrestrial cathedrals when they built their cathedral in Domkirk.

In the history of Freehold:

three hundred years ago, many Christians and Hedonists fled from the cities into the outback when the Mechanists came to power;

two hundred years ago, the cathedral was built in an already ancient style;

now, Arulians and outbackers fight the cities;

outbackers destroy Domkirk, including its cathedral.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And what do you think? Was it plausible of me to compare the description of the Domkirk cathedral with the Sainte Chapelle? It really does seems to me the architects who designed this beautiful chapel strained at the very edges of the technology available to them to create what we now see.

I would like to think, with the materials and knowledge we now have, it would be possible to come even closer to the cathedral described in "Outpost."

Btw, I made a mistake in my earlier combox remarks. The Sainte Chapelle was not part of Notre Dame Cathedral, it was the chapel of the royal palace.

I do wonder if the Outbackers of Freehold held to any faith by the time of "Outpost." With the exception of Karlsarm, who had some regret for destroying, the Outbackers didn't seem to mind its destruction. Possibly the Hedonist "strain" in the Outbacker "DNA" wiped out the Christian influence? If so, a pity!


paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Very plausible.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thanks! I find myself repeatedly looking at the image of the Sainte Chapelle you chose. Very soothing and beautiful.
