Friday 27 October 2017

New York In Space And Time

As the narrator/heroine of Ian Fleming's The Spy Who Loved Me drives into New York State, we reflect on New York in fiction - which however is too big a subject to address here.

For me, New York makes two major appearances in science fiction. The first is as the location of Manse Everard's apartment in Poul Anderson's Time Patrol series. See here. Secondly, in James Blish's Cities In Flight, Manhattan flies between stars faster than light and winds up on New Earth in the Greater Magellanic Cloud.

Until just now, when I searched the blog for New York, I had forgotten about Niyork.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And in Anderson's THE WAR OF TWO WORLDS see a largely ruined New York City. Devastated during the long war between Earth and Mars.
