Thursday 19 October 2017

Heinlein And Marx

"Remember Karl Marx and note how close that unscientific piece of nonsense called Das Kapital has come to smothering out all freedom of thought on half a planet..."
-Robert Heinlein, Concerning Stories Never Written: Postscript (This was printed in an edition of Heinlein's Revolt In 2100. I quote from a photocopy posted to me by Sean M. Brooks.)

Heinlein's Future History, including this explanatory postscript to Volume III, is a masterpiece. I must say that before going on to remark that Heinlein wrote a great deal of "nonsense" later!

I quote Heinlein in the light of the previous post. We can read political theories for understanding or future histories for pleasure but, in either case, we engage in a single debate about the nature of mankind and our place in the universe.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Alas, beginning with STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND (which John Wright sarcastically called STRANGER IN A STRANGE BED) Heinlein rapidly declined as a writer. I would only somewhat recommend THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS of his later works. His I WILL FEAR NO EVIL began with a truly fascinating premise and then the book was ruined by his tedious obsessions with sex.
