Monday 30 October 2017


I like to immerse myself in Poul Anderson's Technic History. Any detail, e.g., roof gardens on Earth, Aeneas, Avalon and Daedalus, suffices. There is also a continual interplay between the works of Anderson and of SM Stirling, e.g., it was a roof garden in the Emberverse that reminded me of several in the Technic History.

I often google historical or mythological references in either of these authors' works but do not always link from the blog to the search results. Presumably, other readers of either author can also google the references if they want to know more. However, here is one such link. Stirling's Orlaith reflects on:

"...Cliodhna's three sweet-songed birds..."
-SM Stirling, The Desert And The Blade (New York, 2016), Chapter Eighteen, p. 396.

The Wiki article connects Cliodhna with Manannan Mac Lir. Both Lir and his son, Manannan, play major roles in other works by Anderson. Thus, here is yet another connection, this time involving not Anderson's hard sf but his heroic fantasy and historical fiction.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And one thing I recall about the mention of Manannan in THE BROKEN SWORD was that he was only "half a god." A sign of the fading away of belief in the old Irish pagan gods.
