Monday 30 October 2017

Roof Gardens In Many Worlds II

See here.

In the compound of the Stormgate Choth on Avalon:

At the middle lifted the old stone tower which housed the senior members of the family and their children. Lower wooden structures, on whose sod roofs bloomed amberdragon and starbells, were for the unwed and retainers and their kin.
-copied from here.

In Lulach on Daedalus:

Plants grow on roofs and flowering vines on walls.
-copied from here.

In Eryn Muir in the High Kingdom of Montival:

"...growth...included the vivid moss on shingle roofs, and the dense turf on others, starred with flowers..."
-SM Stirling, The Desert And The Blade (New York, 2016), Chapter Eighteen, pp. 390-391.

Colorful connections between planets and worlds.

Addendum: See the combox and -

Mirkheim, Chapter 1 
Breakfasts And "Good Morning"
In Archopolis


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm surprised you made no mention of Flandry's apartment in Archopolis, in A STONE IN HEAVEN. In Chapter III of that book Flandry was wealthy enough for his apartment to be on the roof top level: "The weather bureau had decreed a fine spring day. Chives had therefore retracted the outer wall. Flowers, Terran and exotic, made the roof garden beyond into an explosion of colors and perfumes. A Cynthian yaoti perched bright-plumed on a bough of a blossoming orange tree and harped out of its throat. Everywhere around, towers soared heavenward in fluid grace; this quarter of the city went back two centuries, to when an inspired school of architecture had flourished."

Sean said...

I did not mention it because I did not think of it but you have done that for me.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I like this description of Flandry's Archopolis apartment because it is more detailed than those of other, similar residences and apartments.
