Friday 27 October 2017

Four Series

The previous post referred to:

Ian Fleming's James Bond series;
SM Stirling's Emberverse series;
Poul Anderson's Time Patrol series;
Anderson's Dominic Flandry series, part of his Technic History.

Thus, we contemplated:

the Cold War period;
an alternative history;
the Time Patrol timeline;
a future history.

In the twentieth century, both James Bond of the Secret Service and Manson Everard of the Time Patrol remember World War II. Everard, recruited to the Patrol in 1955, revisits the War by time travel whereas Bond, operating in the 1950s and '60s, encounters several former Nazis and even a kamikaze volunteer.

In different versions of the twenty first century, the Emberversers cope with the Change whereas early Technic civilization addresses the Chaos. The Change is followed by neofeudalism whereas the Chaos and the Commonwealth are followed by interstellar feudalism. The Emberversers are helped by divine interventions whereas Technic civilization helps itself by utilizing extraterrestrial resources.

Bond drives a fast car and wields a gun;
Artos rides a wild horse named for a goddess and wields a magic sword;
Anderson's heroes travel through time or faster than light and wield futuristic weapons.

This bizarre post was occasioned by insomnia, not by malice.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And James Bond also clashed with SMERSH agents working for the USSR. I esp. recall the grimly graphic depiction of SMERSH and its methods in FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE.

I'm not sure where you got the "interstellar feudalism" which succeeded the Commonwealth and the League in the Technic History. "Interstellar feudalism" might be better described as coming after the Terran Empire fell.

Sean said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

There WAS mention, one or two times, in the Flandry stories of feudalism growing within the Empire. And that was not necessarily a bad thing because it would give civilization something to fall back on when the Long Night finally came.
