Thursday 26 October 2017

The Fabulous Past

Men-at-arms in full suits of armor are:

"...transformed from men to steel figures faceless except for the menacing black vacancy of the vision slits, like the fabled robots of ancient times."
-SM Stirling, The Desert And The Blade (New York, 2016), Chapter Eleven, p. 218.

Do Emberversers think that Asimovian robots existed until 1998? Somewhere earlier in the series, there was a suggestion that they thought that there had been an island of dinosaurs. See here. Of course, several works of fiction featured surviving or restored dinosaurs. Poul Anderson (more plausibly?) had dinosaurs encountered by time travelers. See here. Emberversers might think that dinosaur islands were real just as some among them think that Tolkien wrote Histories. (In one Poul Anderson novel, William Shakespeare did write histories.)

The past that seems fabulous to us seems realistic to post-Change school pupils. See here. That Change certainly did change everything.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like Michael Crichton's idea in JURASSIC PARK of using dino DNA extracted from blood drank by biting insects which were were then entrapped in what became amber. Preferably, herbivorous dinos, not T Rex or velociraptors!
