Monday 26 June 2023

What Gratillonius Does Not Know

Roma Mater.

There is much that we know that the King of Ys does not:

why the Speaker for Taranis is so hostile to him;
that two of his wives have a sexual relationship;
how much he has been offending the Gods of Ys;
why his wives must do penance;
later, that one of his own men is sexually attracted to him.

If Gratillonius had been the only viewpoint character, then we could not have known any of this but, fortunately, the Tetralogy presents a broad view of life in Ys and beyond.

How much do we not know about our own actions and their consequences? Sometimes such a realization is devastating as, later, when Gratillonius must face the truth about his daughter, Dahut.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought Gratillonius did at least know why Soren Cartagen so often opposed him?

Four LONG volumes allowed the Andersons plenty of room for tracing out motivations, relationships, intrigues, etc., in THE KING OF YS!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Maybe he found out later but not by the point to which I have reread in Vol I. He is genuinely puzzled.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

For someone as shrewd as Gratillonius to be puzzled by Soren mystifies me!

Ad astra! Sean