Monday 12 June 2023

Consciousness Conquers Cosmos

The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.

I agree with Barrow and Tipler that life has covered Earth so, given enough time, life and intelligence might cover the universe and even, if this is possible, do something about the Heat Death. Post-organic intelligences are only starting to move in this direction in Poul Anderson's Genesis and Harvest of Stars Tetralogy. Intelligent beings influence later universes in Anderson's The Avatar and in James Blish's The Triumph of Time and survive into a later universe in Anderson's Tau Zero. Human and non-human beings start to influence the cosmos as a whole in Anderson's Starfarers. I know that there are cosmological works by more recent sf writers but I am not familiar with them. For me, as yet, Genesis is a culmination. I am going to try to understand the Final Anthropic Principle.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Anderson's "Requiem For a Universe" comes to mind. A human mental expert, using advanced computer tech, groped so far into the future that he was awed/stupefied/stunned by what he found. Including meeting a "living flame" remotely descended from mankind.

Ad astra! Sean