Friday 16 June 2023

Theses At Star House

See here for a discussion by the Symposium in Star House in Ys.

If I were invited to address the Symposium, then I would present the following theses:

There is a single reality.
It is internally differentiated and dynamic.
It becomes conscious of Itself by appearing to Itself as many and other.
But It can realise Its oneness.

Gods are personified natural and social forces: weather, war etc.
God is a unified personification.
Thus, "God" also personifies the One.
A person is a self-conscious individual existing in relation to other such individuals.

Therefore, the One incorporates all persons but is not Itself a person.
The One imagines that It is us and we imagine the gods.
They are in us and we are in It.
All is One.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I would disagree with your theses about God. I believe God to be a real Being and I don't believe it makes sense to personify the universe as "God," because it is not God and cannot be God.

Ad astra! Sean