Wednesday 18 May 2022

The Pivotal Role Of "Star of the Sea"

"Star of the Sea," although the second last Time Patrol instalment to be written, was retroactively given a pivotal role:

Manse Everard's early Patrol career;
"Star of the Sea";
the war against the Exaltationists;
Wanda Tamberly's Patrol career;
one last short story, "Death and the Knight."

Although time criminals are scarce during Everard's early career, the Exaltationists more than compensate for that. Everard is with Janne Floris in "Star of the Sea." However, Janne is seen only in that single work. This clears the way for Everard to meet Wanda during his conflict with the Exaltationists.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Janne Floris had to be seen in one story only because I think it's plain Anderson wanted Everard to be permanently linked with Wanda Tamberly. Floris was probably something of an unexpected plot driven complication, but one that was handled skillfully by Anderson.

Ad astra! Sean