Sunday 29 May 2022

Crosstemporal Crossovers

Can the Time Traveller, Manse Everard and other fictional time travellers meet?

First, no, because they inhabit mutually incompatible fictional universes such that, if one is the case, then the other is not. If mankind devolves into Morlocks and Eloi, then it does not evolve into Danellians. If time travel happens by backwards or forwards time dilation on a single, hand-built, geostationary "Time Machine," then it does not happen by subjectively instantaneous spatiotemporal jumps on millions of mass-produced, hovering, flying "timecycles."

Secondly, yes, because it is always possible for other authors to write sequels and crossovers especially since the idea of time travel lends itself to the concept of parallel timelines. But crossovers had better be done well or not at all and must not be allowed to compromise the integrity of the original narratives.

Thirdly, these characters already meet in our imaginations as in this post. We compare and contrast them so they come together in our minds. The image of the Time Traveller seated on the Time Machine confronting a Time Patrolman seated on a timecycle is irresistible and they could certainly appear like this on a book cover even if not in a text between the covers.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Trying again. I can imaginatively speculate about Manse Everard somehow finding his way to the Old Phoenix inn.

Stirling's "A Slip In Time" was the only crossover Time Patrol story in MULTIVERSE which really satisfied me as being faithful to the spirit and background of Anderson's stories.

Ad astra! Sean said...


You wrote "Trying again" but this time I did not receive notification of the first attempt. I hope this problem does not get worse.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree! I'm puzzled over why so many comments by myself and Stirling has been disappearing.

Ad astra! Sean