Tuesday 31 May 2022

Disguised Danellians

The Shield Of Time, 1987 A. D., pp. 26-33.

"'Of course, no doubt [Danellians] can disguise themselves when they want to, go among us in the form of human beings, if they ever want to. I'm not sure they do.'" (p. 29)

This answers a recent combox question. In "Time Patrol," Everard is addressed by a blazing shape with a soundless voice whereas, at the end of The Shield Of Time, he and Tamberly are addressed in a soft and melodious voice by what looks like a robed human being but of indeterminate sex and race.

It seems obvious that Danellians would be able to adjust their appearance for different purposes.  

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with Stirling that Anderson was not likely to have overlooked what he wrote in 1954 about that blazing being in "Time Patrol," which is so strikingly different from the normal looking person Manse and Wanda met in THE SHIELD OF TIME, some questions lingers.

Ad astra! Sean