Tuesday 23 November 2021

Falkayn Publication Chronology

Compare Van Rijn Publication Chronology.

1963 "The Three-Cornered Wheel"
1966 "A Sun Invisible"
1967 "Supernova"/"Day of Burning"
1968 Satan's World
1971 "Trader Team"/"The Trouble Twisters"
1973 "Lodestar"
1973 The People of the Wind (Falkayn reference; a descendant)
1973 "Wingless" (Falkayn reference; his grandson)
1977 Mirkheim
(i) Four of the nine items are van Rijn-Falkayn overlaps.
(ii) The Trouble Twisters collected "The Three-Cornered Wheel," "A Sun Invisible" and "The Trouble Twisters."
(iii) The Earth Book Of Stormgate collected "Day of Burning," Lodestar" and "Wingless."
(iv) The Earth Book derives its background from The People Of The Wind.  


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Apologies for making a fuss, but "Day of Burning" was first pub. as "Supernova" in the January 1967 issue of ANALOG. Which means that story was most likely written in 1966.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


But I know that "Supernova" was published in 1967.

I see what you mean. "1976" was a slip-of-the-pen for "1967," as its position in the list shows.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've made too many finger slips like that as well!

Ad astra! Sean