Monday 22 November 2021

Technic History Highlights

"Margin of Profit" is proving to be fruitful for blogging purposes because of its position in the Nicholas van Rijn and Polesotechnic League series. Other such Technic History stories are:

"How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson" for its glimpse of domestic life in San Francisco Integrate in the Solar Commonwealth;

"Lodestar" for its revelations of wrongs within the League and the generation gap between van Rijn and his granddaughter, Coya;

"Wingless" for its glimpse of David and Coya Falkayn's grandson, Nat, on the Hesperian Islands on Avalon;

"Rescue on Avalon" for its rare view of amicable negotiations between two rational species on the Coronan continent of Avalon;

"Starfog" for its vision of mankind spreading through several spiral arms and the discovery of a new source of unprecedented wealth in the further future.

What a series!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And don't forget Wayland, which we see in A CIRCUS OF HELLS. That moon, rich in useful metals and minerals, would also become a source of great wealth. I recall with amusement Flandry's wry comment that Leon Ammon would have to work very hard indeed if he did NOT want to become one of the richest men in the Empire!

Ad astra! Sean