Saturday 27 November 2021

Van Rijn On Earth Or In Space

In Trader To The Stars
"Hiding Place" (van Rijn off Earth)
"Territory" (off)
"The Master Key" (on)
In The Trouble Twisters
"The Trouble Twisters" (on)
In The Earth Book
"Margin of Profit" (on, then off)
"Esau" (on)
The Man Who Counts (off)
"Lodestar" (off)
The Two Other Novels
Satan's World (on, then off)
Mirkheim (on, then off)
off = 3
on = 4
on, then off = 3
Pretty even.
"The Master Key" is a van Rijn story because van Rijn, even on Earth, solves a problem on another planet whereas "Esau" is an Emil Dalmady story because Dalmady solves the problem and recounts it to van Rijn on Earth.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the question Old Nick wanted to answer in "Esau" was what KIND of man Emil Dalmady was. As it was he decided, and Dalmady came to agree, that Emil was an entrepreneurial type, not simply an administrator. An imaginative risk taker.

Ad astra! Sean