Friday 26 November 2021

Firm Foundations For A Future History

The Opening Six Installments of Poul Anderson's Technic History

"The Saturn Game": interplanetary exploration; first mention of the Jerusalem Catholic Church;

"Wings of Victory": interstellar exploration/the Grand Survey; first contact with Ythri; first mentions of Hermes, Woden and Cynthia;

"The Problem of Pain": exploration of Avalon; Ythrian religion; first mention of Aeneas;

"How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson": Adzel (from Woden); the Polesotechnic League; mentions of Ythri, Cynthia, Gorzun and Alfzar;

"Margin of Profit": van Rijn; problems in the League; Martians; Centaurians;

"The Three-Cornered Wheel": Falkayn (from Hermes); Ivanhoe

It is all there, almost.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And we see a lot about religion in "The Three-Cornered Wheel." And that mention in the story of how Larsum, on the planet Ivanhoe, had an ancient "Pharaohnic" civilization ruled by a monotheistic religion headed by a Chief Consecrate reminded me of the Egyptian cult of Amon. In the Amon Hymns of the XIX Dynasty we see faith in Amon-Ra coming very close to monotheism. Also, after the decline of the XX Dynasty the High Priests of Amon were so powerful that for a time they came to actually rule Egypt. Analogous to the position of the Chief Consecrate of Larsum.

Ad astra! Sean