Saturday 27 November 2021

Margin Of Profit And How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson

Maybe these two stories could be printed in parallel columns to convey the idea that their events occur at about the same time. While Nicholas van Rijn and Rafael Torres are in Djakarta or, shortly afterwards, in space, James Ching and Adzel are studying in San Francisco Integrate. Would we be able to read each story a paragraph at a time to generate the impression of simultaneous events? No, that is asking too much.

The completely different settings communicate the idea of a complex society with multiple individuals pursuing parallel careers that may or may not intersect later. Van Rijn and Adzel will meet, the others not, although we do not know that yet.

Adzel, introduced in previously published stories as a member of van Rijn's first trade pioneer crew led by David Falkayn, is here seen through the eyes of fellow student, James Ching, and at an earlier date. The future history gains substance with each newly added installment.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Your suggestion here reminded me of the HEXAPLA of Origen and similar works by other Biblical scholars. That is, having the texts of the Biblical books copied in parallel columns in both the original languages and those of various translations.

In theory, that could be done for the works of Anderson!

Ad astra! Sean