Saturday 20 November 2021

The Machines II


The Fleet Of Stars, 26.

Chuan to Fenn:

"'Once the sophotectic mind has liberated itself from contingency - from the sort of blind accident that you have seen, Fenn - it is fee to grow unboundedly; and for that, it needs very little from the universe of matter.'" (p. 335)

If, by the universe of matter, Chuan means the universe as described by physics alone, then that remains a very great deal but is not all that there is. However, if by the universe of matter, he means just the universe, everything that exists outside the mind, then what else is there? Abstractions? Pure mathematics? Formal logic empty of content? Fictions? The aesthetics of imagined images? The mind will still have a material base with an energy source and will want to contemplate everything, both inner and outer.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I don't believe Chuan, because all this looks like a self serving smokescreen to obfuscate what the sophotects were really up to.

Ad astra! Sean