Monday 29 November 2021


"Hiding Place."

The pilot of the captured spaceship must be:

strong, long-armed and large-handed - like a giant;
able not only to read very small display panels but also to turn a key at the bottom of a small, narrow hole - like a dwarf.
Clues to the pilot's nature accumulate. 
Van Rijn practices detective skills like Poirot. Van Rijn and Poirot are Catholics, are not native English/Anglic speakers and are first seen late in their careers. However, their differences are more numerous than their similarities. Poirot is known through cinema and TV. Van Rijn should be.
I prefer sf to detective fiction. In particular, I dislike the crossword puzzle aspect of detective fiction, having to reread passages in earlier chapters in search of the clues that are supposed to be there.
Addendum: After I published this post, Poirot was on TV in the episode where he walks out of our local Midland Hotel in Morecambe.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

What you said here about mysteries seems to be mostly a matter of taste. The very nature of the genre seems to require written mysteries to have that crossword puzzle aspect. I can imagine fans being willing to reread chapters of a mystery as they try to figure out the clues and solution to a mystery.

I used to be a big mystery reader, and I still have the mysteries of G.K. Chesterton, Robert van Gulik, John Dickson Carr, A. Conan Doyle. And a few others.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: ah, Judge Dee!

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Indeed! I like Judge Dee! And the judge was a real, historical person! And the glimpses we get of Chinese law and criminal procedure were fascinating.

Ad astra! Sean