Thursday 18 November 2021

All The Dreamers

The Fleet Of Stars, 21.

Martians perform:

"'...midsummer rites...around the Dreamers' Craters - Wells, Weinbaum, Heinlein, all the dreamers..." (p. 270)

I read some Weinbaum a long time ago. I had not realized how short his sf writing career was.

We can think of other names to add to the list of dreamers but Anderson could not include himself because that would involve this novel implicitly referring to itself as a work of fiction unless we imagine that the Poul Anderson of the Harvest Of Stars timeline wrote all his other works but not this particular series.

It would be a good tribute to Poul Anderson to track down and read or reread all the relevant works by the named "dreamers," works that are conceptual precursors to The Fleet Of Stars.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought of that too, re Anderson referring to himself in this book. But he could have included himself in this list of "dreamers" by using one of his pseudonyms, such as Winston P. Sanders or Michael Karageorge.

Ad astra! Sean said...


That would have worked.

In Wells's STAR BEGOTTEN, a character refers to THE WAR OF THE WORLDS but attributes it to "Olaf Stapledon or someone like that..."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And we see Winston P. Sanders in TALES OF THE FLYING MOUNTAINS, in the framing narrative and the last story of that collection. So Anderson could have referred to himself in FLEET thru a pseudonym.

And Wells meant himself with that "...or someone like that.."!

Ad astra! Sean