Monday 22 November 2021

Van Rijn Publication Chronology

1956 "Margin of Profit"
1958 The Man Who Counts
1961 "Hiding Place"
1963 "Territory"
1966 "A Sun Invisible" (van Rijn reference)
1968 Satan's World
1970 "Birthright"
1971 "The Master Key"
1971 "Trader Team" (van Rijn cameo)
1971 "A Little Knowledge" (van Rijn reference)
1973 "Lodestar"
1977 Mirkheim
1978 The Earth Book Of Stormgate ("Margin of Profit" revised; Hloch's Introductions)
(i) It doesn't look a lot, does it? - but it is a major part of the Technic History.
(ii) Twenty-two years from start to finish.
(iii) The first short story and the first novel are of the 1950s.
(iv) "Territory" is introduced by an excerpt from "Margin of Profit."
(v) Trader To The Stars collected "Hiding Place," "Territory" and "The Master Key."
(vi) The Earth Book collected "Margin of Profit," The Man Who Counts, "Birthright"/"Esau," "A Little Knowledge" and "Lodestar."
(vii) The Technic Civilization Saga collects everything.
(viii) "Margin of Profit" was the earliest Polesotechnic League story.
(ix) The excerpt that introduces "Territory" provides the basis for the series and is presented separately as A HISTORICAL REFLECTION in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume II.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The original version of "Margin of Profit" was first pub. in 1956, when there was still some hope of intelligent life existing on Mars. With that idea being abandoned within a few more years, we can see why Anderson thought it necessary to revise the story for THE EARTH BOOK OF STORMGATE and any subsequent republishings.

Another thought I had was thinking that even as early as the first publication of THE MAN WHO COUNTS in 1958, we see Old Nick and his background being fleshed out with more nuance, detail, and sophistication than in 1956.

Ad astra! Sean