Friday 13 August 2021

When You Say...

The Star Are Also Fire, 3.

Venator asks Lilisaire:

"'When you say "dwellers," I suspect you mean Lunarians, not resident Terrans, not even those Terrans who are citizens. And...if you say "Lunarians" to me, do you perhaps mean the Selenarchic families - or the Cordilleran phratry - or simply its overlings?'" (p. 46)

This question is always applicable. Someone once said:

"When I say 'religious,' I mean of course 'Christian.' When I say 'Christian,' I mean of course 'Protestant.' When I say 'Protestant,' I mean of course 'Church of England.' When I say 'Church of England,' I mean of course 'High Church.' When I say 'High Church,' I mean of course 'in my opinion.'"

I am just about to make my first ever visit to Appleby Fair so there will be no more blog posts until considerably later.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The point being, of course, the desirability of defining one's terms, even if those definitions are often inadequate and incomplete.

Ad astra! Sean