Friday 20 August 2021

In Guthrie House

The Stars Are Also Fire, 9.

Again Poul Anderson conveys a sense of ancientness even in the future. Guthrie House is centuries old and seems older. Its stone seems to have been shaped by wind and rain, not hands. Within, there are oak panels, a dark room, antique furniture, hangings, traditions etc.

All five senses are engaged:

"Clouds lifted like snowbanks into radiant blue; a breeze blew cool, with savors of wood and salt, above summer-warm soil; waves gleamed and murmured, forest soughed; a few gulls went soaring aloft..." (p. 119)


"'Good liftoff,' Matthias toasted. The men brought vessels to lips. The tingle in his mouth gave Kenmuir impetus." (p. 123)

The Rydberg Matthias confirms that Dagny Beynac's son, Lars Rydberg, told his eldest son a secret to be preserved for a time of great need and that the titular Rydbergs have indeed preserved that secret ever since - but it remains secret.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That use of "vessels" being used for drinking struck me as slightly odd. Most of us would have used "goblets," "glasses," or "cups."

I think I recall what that secret was, but I'll keep quiet! (Smiles)

And was Anderson attaching any symbolic meaning to the Rydberg's name, "Matthias"? That was the name of the disciple of Christ chosen by lot to take the Betrayer's place as an apostle.

Ad astra! Sean said...


So a very disguised Biblical reference.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly! I did wonder if that "Matthias" was a Biblical allusion.

Ad astra! Sean