Saturday 7 August 2021

Natural And Artificial Environments

The previous two posts present an unexpected thesis and antithesis:

in Sunset, human beings appreciate their natural Terrestrial environment;

in Falaire's Apartment On The Moon, they have constructed a luxurious artificial environment within the otherwise uninhabitable Moon.

Indra releasing rain from heaven personifies the beneficent aspect of nature whereas Prometheus stealing fore from heaven personifies human action on nature. Thus, human beings benefit from rain and sun while also building cities and, maybe later, colonizing the Moon.

The synthesis might be a terraformed Moon where colonists can breathe and walk unencumbered by spacesuits as on Earth. Poul Anderson has a short story where this is happening. Title?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I love that idea, of the Moon getting terraformed! The story you have in mind is "Strange Bedfellows," to be found in collections like SEVEN CONQUESTS.

Ad astra! Sean