Wednesday 4 August 2021

Lunarians And Star Trek

Harvest The Fire, CHAPTER 2.

Falaire's Lunarian features:

"...high in the cheekbones and tapering to a narrow chin, short and slightly flared nose, full mouth, ears that were not convoluted like his, great oblique eyes changeably green beneath arching tawny brows." (pp. 44-45)

Does that read like something from Star Trek?

The description continues:

"Hair that was deep blond under daylike light fell in ashen waves past snow-fair skin that here was tinged a faint blue. He felt himself in the presence of faerie." (p. 45)

We had already been told that:

"...the solar collectors and cooling surfaces outspread from the lifepack between her shoulders resembled dragonfly wings." (p. 44)

The Lunarians are like Elves transported into hard sf.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Tne analogy you made at the very end of this blog piece, comparing Anderson's Lunarians to the elves was more accurate than the suggestion about STAR TREK. In looks and character, the Lunarians reminded me of the elves seen in Tolkien's THE SILMARILLION or Anderson's THE BROKEN SWORD. Which is no surprise, both these writers drew on some of the same sources.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

STAR TREK is so unworthy of being real science fiction that I dismiss it as STAR DRECK! (Snorts)

Ad astra! Sean