Friday 20 August 2021

In Guthrie House II

The Stars Are Also Fire, 9.

The toast, "'Good liftoff,'" (p. 123) is pure Heinlein. We can imagine it uttered by Rhysling - especially when drinking in the Old Phoenix. As I always say, read Heinlein's single, comparatively short Future History - as well as his Scribner Juveniles some of which I think constitute a Juvenile Future History - then read Anderson's several future histories of diverse types and lengths.

Preserved in the grounds of Guthrie House is a spaceship:

"Kestrel, the little Falcon-class that Kyra Davis piloted, she who long and long ago rescued Guthrie from the Avantists..." (p. 119)

Thus, events recounted in Harvest Of Stars have become legends in this further volume. We also learn how spaceship maintenance routines have become an annual rite:

recharging of accumulators;
a benediction ending, "'Be always ready to fly.'" (p. 119)
The alert reader might anticipate that this ship will indeed fly later in the narrative.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought of that too, that the "Kestrel" would not always be simply a memorial or monument.

Ad astra! Sean