Saturday 28 August 2021

Historical Transition


The Stars Are Also Fire, 16.

The Great Jihad.
Chaos on Earth.
Collapse of UN.
A Lunar Coordinating Committee.
Fireball backs the Committee.
Lunar self-sufficiency in air, water, food and energy.
UN had prohibited extraterrestrial land property rights.
Coordinating Committee franchises Lunar territories.
Lunarian lords build castles and domains.
World Federation and Peace Authority established.
Moon cooperates with Federation but cannot control Lunarians.
The world described in Harvest Of Stars emerges.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And that ban on the right to own land off Earth is absurd, nonsensical, and totally unworkable. Luna and Mars are worlds with lots of land! If people are going to live and work there, then means of how land is going to be owned and used will need to be found. And the most practical system is the private owning of land. E.g., as regulated by Anglo/American land and property law.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

"What belongs to everybody, belongs to nobody -- and he's the one who looks after it."

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

IOW, nobody is looking after it and it''s totally useless as far as anybody BENEFITING from land on Luna and Mars.

Baffling, this nonsense about humans not owning land OFF Earth!

Ad astra! Sean