Sunday 15 August 2021

Chaos And Law And Order

In Michael Moorcock's multiverse: Lords of Law against Lords of Chaos.

In the DC Comics multiverse: Lords of Order against Lords of Chaos.

In Poul Anderson's multiverse: Law against Chaos.

In a single but mutable timeline: the Time Patrol against chaos.

"...Superman...seemed forever to be slugging it out with the forces of Chaos."
-Elliott S! Maggin, Superman: Miracle Monday (Caveat Corner Books, 2017), Chapter 8, p. 79.

More late night other but blog-relevant reading. Although a prose novel, Miracle Monday shares the continuity of the second of the three listed multiverses.

Anderson's works are as far-reaching although comparatively understated.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've tried, but Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone stories did not "grab" me. And I admit the hostility Moorcock had for Tolkien irritated me.

Ad astra! Sean