Saturday 23 January 2021

Two Shipwrecks On Avalon

In "The Problem of Pain," Enherrian and his mixed Ythrian and human crew try to enter a lagoon through a narrow opening but the storm casts their boat onto the rocks. Arrach is thrown off her perch and Peter Berg into the water.

In "Wingless," Nat Falkayn and his two Ythrian companions try to leave a lagoon through a narrow opening but unseen atlantis weed catches the rudder, the boat smashes against a ridge and Keshchyi is thrown into the water, one wing tangled in the weed. Before that, when they had set off, Thuriak had gripped a perch-bar with his wing-claws.

Obviously, more than this happens to both of these crews but here I am focusing on certain narrative parallels. The Avalonian environment is turbulent even for explorers or colonists with the advantage of flight.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And new colonists or explorers have to guard against being dangerously careless. Emherrian lost one of his winds because of coming too near a surgeon tree.

Ad astra! Sean