Thursday 21 January 2021

The Polesotechnic League And Technic Civilization

"Day of Burning."

Haguan Eluatz, head of the Gethfennu, Merseian organized crime, to his prisoner, Chee Lan:

"'You stand for some kind of law and order too, I suppose.'" (p. 352)

Chee nods because:

"The League didn't much care who it dealt with, but the solid citizens whose taxes were to finance the majority of the rescue operations did." (ibid.)

At last, events occur on such a scale that an electorate and its government have to be taken into account.

"The Polesotechnic League became a loose kind of supergovernment, sprawling from Canopus to Deneb..."
-Poul Anderson, "Margin of Profit" IN Anderson, The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, 2009), pp. 135-173 AT p. 146.
That is exciting to read about but League merchants sell to a public that is bigger than them. I would like to read not only about merchant princes and trade pioneer crews but also about their customers, the rest of Technic civilization.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But we do read about some of the customers of the merchant princes of the League in stories like "Territory," "The Master Key," "The Season of Forgiveness," "The Troubletwisters," etc.

Ad astra! Sean