Tuesday 26 January 2021

To See You Again

When we have seen or read about a well-beloved character for what was to have been the last time, there is nothing better than unexpectedly encountering that character again. This happens in Poul Anderson's Technic History, particularly in its original reading order:

Mirkheim had concluded a Polesotechnic League Tetralogy but van Rijn and the trader team reappeared in The Earth Book Of Stormgate;

in A Stone In Heaven, Miriam Abrams tells us that her father, Max, has died but later reminisces about him sitting in his armchair while solemnly telling his young daughter about loyalty - we saw him mentoring Flandry and now, retroactively, he mentors Miriam;

although A Stone In Heaven is the last full novel about Dominic Flandry, he cameos in The Game Of Empire about his daughter, Diana Crowfeather.

However, none of this prevents the Technic History from continuing for millennia after the deaths of all these series characters.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But, as we know, after he wrote THE GAME OF EMPIRE, Anderson wanted to go on to other ideas and themes. And I can't object, considering how well he did in books like THE BOAT OF A MILLION YEARS, the HARVEST OF STARS series, GENESIS, STARFARERS, etc. Still, it would have been good if he had written one or two more Technic stories.

I would like to think those boxes papers by Anderson which was donated to a university whose name I don't recall contains some publishable fragments. Maybe even one or two unfinished stories only needing some editing/polishing up before being published. Greg Bear or S.M. Stirling would seem the most natural candidates for that.

In fact, I recall Stirling saying he would love to try his hand at writing a Dominic Flandry story. Assuming a second MULTIVERSE, I hope the Anderson estate would agree to that!

Ad astra! Sean