Friday 22 January 2021

Divine Moods


"Had God been in a more joyful mood when He made the Ythrians than when He made man?" (p. 413)

Two groups of people must agree that this question is metaphorical: atheists and theists whose beliefs are not anthropomorphic. God is not, or no longer believed to be, a being Who acts according to moods or Who spends time changing from one mood to another. Also, "...made the Ythrians..." has to mean something like "...caused the Ythrians to evolve..." and a single creative act would be necessary for the entire universe.

Nat Falkayn asks this question as an expression of one human theistic tradition. A good starting point would be to ask some Ythrians what they think. Those who explored Avalon included adherents of the Old and New Faiths as well as atheists and agnostics. Centuries later, Tabitha Falkayn will say that they mostly follow the Old Faith in Highsky Choth. This is a human being about as far removed as possible from any Terrestrial tradition.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I would have disagreed with the possible attitude behind Nath's question. Ythrians are merely different from human beings. Some things which are possible for one species are not possible for another. That is all.

Frankly, I was more interested in how we again see Diomedeans in A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS.

Ad astra! Sean