Thursday 28 January 2021


Inside the Earth-conditioned compound on Suleiman, there is a:

"...length of gaudy murals whose painting had beguiled much idle time over the years."
-Poul Anderson, "Esau" IN Anderson, The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, 2009), pp. 517-553 AT p. 525.
Inside Wainwright Station on Ramnu:
"Striding through rooms and passages, Flandry saw how the station had gone shabby-comfortable during centuries of use. Murals by amateurs brightened walls; planters held beds of flowers and fresh vegetables; playback simulated windows opening on a dozen distant worlds."
-A Stone In Heaven, VII, p. 121.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Think of how some of the scientific bases on Antarctica are now sixty or seventy years old. I would not be surprised if the largest bases there are now getting "shabby comfortable" themselves.

And I can easily imagining such a thing happening on other worlds in centuries to come. And that some might well become very old bases.

Ad astra! Sean