Thursday 28 January 2021

The Publication History Of A Future History

In "Tiger by the Tail" (Planet Stories, January 1951) and "Honorable Enemies" (Future Combined With Science Fiction Stories, May 1951), Captain Dominic Flandry defends the Terran Empire.

"Sargasso of Lost Starships" (PS, January 1952) describes the early Terran Empire whereas "The Star Plunderer" (PS, September 1952) features Manuel Argos, Founder of the Terran Empire.

"Starfog" (Analog, August 1967) refers to the Empire as "'...behind us. In space and time alike.'" (See Historical Descriptions.) Anglic is a dead language. We recognize some long term consequences of Flandry's actions although he is not remembered.

In A Stone In Heaven (Ace Books, 1979), Vice Admiral Flandry is a member of the Order of Manuel.

The Game Of Empire (Baen Books, 1985) features Fleet Admiral Flandry's daughter.

Thus, the publication history of Poul Anderson's Technic History begins in 1951 with Captain Flandry and ends in 1985 with Fleet Admiral Flandry although it also incorporates:

the Young Flandry Trilogy;
the history of the Polesotechnic League;
the careers of prominent League merchants, Nicholas van Rijn and David Falkayn;
the history of human interactions with the Ythrians.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember Flandry somewhat ruefully thinking that the Order of Manuel was the silliest brag he had earned!

I don't scorn orders, honors, medals, etc. Should't distinguished persons in one's country not be honored? And I would like to they are sometimes well earned!

The Technic series also incorporates the history of human interactions with Merseians, starting as early as the first Grand Survey's discovery of their planet.

Ad astra! Sean