Tuesday 28 July 2020


"The Children's Hour."

I am struggling with some technicalities.

Captain Jonah Matthieson and Lieutenant Ingrid Raines will travel in Matthieson's Dart-class attack boat, the United Nations Space Navy Catskinner (large fusion-power unit; small life-support bubble; deep-space sensors and weapons) which will be carried on an experimental ramscoop ship, the Yamamoto, which in turn will accelerate from Sol to Alpha Centauri where it will pass through that kzinti-held planetary system while launching missiles at kzinti installations;

the Catskinner, leaving the Yamamoto while enclosed in a stasis field, will be slowed to an orbital speed by friction with the outer layers of Alpha Centauri;

Jonah admits to being scared:

"'...because we will start this mission utterly dependent on the intervention of outside forces; the offswitch is exterior to the surface of the effect.' It had to be; time did not pass inside a stasis field."
-Chapter I, p. 168.

Will they be dependent on someone finding the stasis field and switching it off or is the switch pre-timed to turn itself off after a specified period? If the latter, then why does Jonah say that they will be dependent on intervention by external forces?

There will be more about this but I am being interrupted here.

Addendum: This post contains an error which will be corrected in the next post.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! THE CHILDREN'S HOUR is yet another story I should reread. You are such a FAST reader. And I admire that!

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I am also retired. Sheila knits. I read, reread and post. We also walk and use our pensioner's bus passes. Life could be a lot worse.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good! I'm glad you and Mrs. Shackley are happy! Life certainly could be a lot worse and has been for far too many people thru out history.

Down to the last 1100 lines or so of Heaney's translation of BEOWULF. Next comes SIR NIGEL, by A.Conan Doyle.

Ad astra! Sean