Sunday 26 July 2020

Panjandrum, Panjandarum Or Panjamandrum

We continue to find parallel details in alternative future histories. Ydwyr's uncle is Roidhun so Flandry says that Ydwyr is the grand panjandrum's nephew. (My dictionary gives "panjandarum" as an alternative.) See Inter-Species Respect.

Chuut-Riit is closely related to the Patriarch so General Early says that Chuut-Riit is:

"'...related to their panjumandrum...'"
-Jerry Pournelle and SM Stirling, "The Children's Hour" IN Larry Niven, Ed., Man-Kzin Wars II (London, 1989), Chapter I, p. 141.

There are several interesting observations in this story. The kzinti are surprisingly uniform in every way and barely gregarious enough to be civilized so maybe they got their tech from someone else? Automation can increase war capacity rapidly even with a low population. The Terrestrial billions are useless. Also:

"Interstellar warfare at sublight speeds was a game for the patient." (p. 137)

It is a game for immortal protectors as we learn elsewhere in this future history.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, the Kzinti were still barbarians when another intelligent race found them and foolishly began hiring Kzinti as mercenaries. The rest, as they say, was history.

And patience does not come naturally to a race as hot headed as the Kzinti. Patience was something to be learned deliberately, thru hard work.

Ad astra! Sean