Sunday 26 July 2020

Kzinti Politics


Because High Admiral Ress-Chiuu issued disastrous orders, the kzinti lost a warship crew and the human enemy captured the warship. Condemned, Ress-Chiuu acquitted himself well against the beasts in the Patriarchal Arena, giving good sport. Although Grand Lord Narr-Souwa claims that honor is satisfied, Ghrul-Captain of the house Chiuu remains deprived of command of the Venomous Fang and wants to make full redemption.

Ghrul-Captain insists on piloting a small ship on a dangerous mission close to a star so that he alone will gain the glory. When he fails to return, Shayin-Mate, now in command, refuses human help in retrieving any data gathered by Ghrul-Captain and will return to Kzin to present himself as having salvaged what he could of the mission from Ghrul-Captain's foolishness.

Thus, Shayin-Captain might have been the chief antagonist in any fourth Man-Kzin Wars story by Poul Anderson.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang, I never though of that myself, of Shayin-Captain thinking in such a calculating way when I read "Pele." And I think there are humans who would think and act similarly in analogous circumstances.

Ad astra! Sean