Saturday 18 July 2020

Cross-Cosmic Kzinti

Kzinti connect Larry Niven's Known Space future history to Poul Anderson's works because Anderson wrote three Man-Kzin Wars stories and to Star Trek because Niven adapted "The Soft Weapon," a kzinti story, as "The Slaver Weapon," a Star Trek animated TV episode that replaces a Puppeteer with a Vulcan but imports Slavers and kzinti to the Star Trek universe. Consequently, there is fannish information about kzinti in Star Trek (see here) although no direct connection between Poul Anderson and Star Trek. Some of us would like to see screen adaptations of Known Space, including the Man-Kzin Wars, and of Anderson's History of Technic Civilization, both of which, if done well, would be far more successful than Star Trek - which is unbelievably successful with thirteen feature films and an unending series of TV series.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Frankly, I loath STAR DRECK, which I find thin, shallow, trite, superficial, etc., when compared to the masters of written SF such as Anderson, Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Heinlein, Norton, etc. I would far rather see GOOD filmed versions of Anderson's Technic stories or Niven's Man/Kzin Wars tales.

Ad astra! Sean