Monday 27 July 2020

Close To Human

Did you know this?

"...Kzinti were much closer to human than were any other species; so close that they must at one time have had common microbe ancestors."
-"The Soft Weapon," p. 84.

Terrestrial and Ringworlder human beings are mutated Pak breeders and the Pak came from near the galactic center. Kzin is a planet of 61 Ursa Majoris which, according to its Wikipedia article, is just under eight parsecs from the galactic center.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Here we see a science fictional version of the old idea of "panspermy." However, even if panspermy sometimes did occur, I'm skeptical that life forms which needed millions of years to evolve to intelligence would be that MUCH like each other. Unless something like Larry Niven's scenario is used.

Ad astra! Sean