Friday 31 July 2020

Body Language

(A bedraggled kzinti telepath.)


Scothanian Nods And Shrugs

Credible Aliens? II

"The Asteroid Queen," Chapter II teaches us kzinti body language:

A stretching motion equals a relaxed smile;

the sage nods;

a toss of the head is agreement;

a kzin can beckon with a flick of the tail and ears;

batwing ears fold when a kzin shifts uneasily;

a twitch of the whiskers is a grin.

On our first encounter with a kzin, we would recognize some signals but not others.

Later: Wiggling ears is amusement. (Chapter V, p. 100)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And a "smile" for a Kzin would be a glare or snarl in humans. Some of the Kzinti had trouble grasping that a human's smile did not necessarily mean either hostility and aggression.

Ad astra! Sean