Monday 15 June 2020

The Morning After

A Midsummer Tempest, xiii.

Good morning. This chapter is headed:


Rupert and Will have left the Old Phoenix and it is as if the world has been renewed:

"Rain had washed the air glittering clean. Each leaf stood vivid against sun-spattered shadow. Birds rejoiced. It was mild and getting warmer." (p. 107)

The opening section of xiii, pp. 107-109, just two pages of text, is extremely rich and warrants further attention after Sheila and I have returned from a morning walk. There is a very good reason why this post is illustrated with a map of the Raid on the Medway and I have found several colorful paintings of that event.

Will had spent the night in the Inn with Mistress Pulcher but Rupert does not want to hear the former's "'...old swiver's tale." (ibid.)

More later.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I had to laugh a bit about that "...old swiver's tale." A risque play on "old wife's tale"!

Ad astra! Sean