Monday 22 June 2020

Same Space Or Other Space

Three Hearts And Three Lions, CHAPTER SEVEN.

Holger continues to try to make sense of his experiences. Both the similarities and the differences to his own world rule out another planet in the same universe. Gravity and chemistry operate but allow for magic unless the apparent magic is telekinesis? Maybe many universes can occupy the same space and time without interacting except for some as yet unknown link?

In the DC multiverse, universes occupying the same space vibrated at different rates. If you changed your vibratory rate, then you dematerialized from one universe and materialized in another but hopefully on an alternative Earth, not in empty space.

Universes occupying the same space, whether by vibrating differently or in some other way, can fit into the same four dimensions and therefore need not coexist along a fourth spatial dimension contrary to what I said here.

Valeria Matuchek confirms this:

"'...the cosmoses...occupy the same space-time...'"
-Poul Anderson, A Midsummer Tempest (London, 1975), xii, p. 101 -

- i.e., the same four dimensions -

- but then contradicts it:

"'...being separated by a set of dimensions ''" (ibid.)

However, the only role of Valeria's remarks at this stage in the narrative is to cause Holger to interrupt her to say that she is leaving him and Rupert behind. Valeria then concentrates on the practicalities of historical divergences rather than on their physics or metaphysics.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I don't claim to truly understand this either! (Smiles) Altho the late Hugh Everett, Poul Anderson, and living writers like Frank Tipler and Sean Carroll might be able to not only keep up with Valeria but also to correct her.

Ad astra! Sean